Marketers Toolbox - Zencastr

What is Zencastr?

Zencastr is a podcast tool for long-distance interviews.

Why is this tool helpful?

This tool allows marketers to record high quality interviews with remote guests. The tool simplifies recording and uploading to make the podcast process convenient and easy. Zencastr also accounts for bad connections and recording mishaps by offering a backup storage plan and connection fallback plan.

Listeners are guaranteed an easy-listen and are more likely to become a returning subscriber. Increasing the engagement of the consumer will increase followers and eventually could generate leads. Without the hassle of multiple recording steps, guests are also more likely to return as interviewees. This builds a base of trusted experts and credible episodes. 

How is it used?

Zencastr records each independent voice and offers a soundboard for live editing. After the recording is finished, they are automatically delivered to the user’s Dropbox because of the cloud integration. The user has access to additional features like post-production editing to enhance the audio quality.

Who would benefit from using Zencastr?

Anyone who wants to start a podcast with guests. The guest does not even have to leave their home and can easily participate.


Zencastr pricing options for high quality podcast recordings.