Marketers Toolbox: Bond

Note: The Marketers Toolbox series teaches our readers about new technology we're using (or experimenting with) that proves to be useful, productive, or just plain entertaining. As a marketer's secret weapon, Setup believes that the tools we use are vital to our success, thus, a marketer's toolbox is truly one of our most important resources.

Sales and marketing requires a lot of personal touch –– from generating a lead to nurturing the prospect to closing the deal –– but not everyone has time to customize their approach.

One of the tools we use for our targeted outreach is Bond. James Bond. (Just kidding).

Bond leverages MakerBot 3D printers and Montblanc pens to design custom correspondence for prospects, friends, relatives, or anyone else who deserves a handwritten note from you.

Bond’s robots use human logic to write letters, cards, and notes, incorporating even the slightest of handwriting imperfections to make each product look unique, not canned.

According to Wired, “Bond robots write letters the way a human would, instead of relying on algorithmic shortcuts.”

The more you customize, the more it’ll cost, but expect each piece to run between $2.99 and $5.

How to use:

  • Step 1: Pick your handwriting font (or pay extra to replicate your chicken scratch).

  • Step 2: Compose a message and input the recipient’s name and address for delivery

  • Step 3: Pay per item, or for a bulk send to multiple people.

  • Step 4: Wait 3-4 days for an email/phone call from the recipient thanking you for the lovely note on such pretty, wax-sealed stationary.

  • Step 5: Rejoice!

See the magic for yourself in this video about Bond.

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