Jump on the Straight "Fire" Live Video Phenomenon

There was a time when everyone knew Carol Burnett was the queen of comedy and that Johnny Carson was THE man. That was a time when there were fewer channels and re-runs weren’t a thing, so everyone was watching the same thing at the same time for the first time. 

That was a long time ago. Since then, TV and video have exponentially evolved. Video is insanely accessible to the point where adults are watching up to five hours of video a day - but not necessarily in the living room with the family gathered around. 

YouTube plays a huge part in video “evolution,” but so does mobile devices, broadband proliferation, and the smartphone. Since the creation of YouTube, where most videos are easily accessed, a new phenomenon has arisen: Live Streaming video. 

Live video was not born yesterday. In fact, the first live stream video app, Meerkat launched in 2015 (and, since then, is now deceased). Recently multiple social platforms' streaming services like YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, and Twitter have capitalized on the “live” phenomenon and brands are taking full advantage of the benefits. 

Why Go “Live?” Because, it’s “F.I.R.E.”

FRESH- The “live” video brings back the novelty “must-see-TV” feeling that pre-DRV TV once had. A “first ever” exclusive look into content at a specific time where no one knows what is going to happen next can be exciting. The unexpectedness increases consumer engagement which increases potential likes, shares, comments, and impressions. 

INTERACTIVE - Live videos are as close to face-to-face content without a brand being physically present. Streaming enables real-time commentary and interaction with viewers. When a consumer feels involved in a brand’s process and content creation, their excitement leads to brand loyalty and consumer engagement. 

REAL - The live broadcasts are real-time videos where anything can happen and nothing is completely planned. Brands use live streaming to show the “making of” or backstage efforts of an event or operation, lifting a curtain to reveal their authentic true identity. This potentially vulnerable tactic humanizes the brand, thus builds a trusting relationship with followers.

EXCLUSIVE - Live streaming apps like the trivia game HQ are taking the world by storm. By having a scheduled “tune-in” time, HQ creates a shared experience with their users. Followers plan their evenings around this specific time and feel the thrill of competing for a limited time offered reward. 

AgencySparks uses the "Marketing Mindset" series to grow followers and provide marketers with marketing insights. The video series is recorded on Facebook Live, which tends to get more impressions and reactions from followers than the standard uploaded video, then downloaded to YouTube as evergreen content. 

Brands should leverage social media platform streaming, regardless if it is Twitter’s Periscope, Facebook Live, Instagram Live, YouTube Live. According to Neil Patel, 63% of people from the ages 18 to 34 regularly create or watch live-streaming content. Realtors’ Social Media Strategist, Marki Ryhal, found that consumers are watching live streaming videos three times more than uploaded videos. People want to be shocked, involved, and excited. That is why live stream videos are predicted to grow into a $70 billion industry by 2021.  

Live stream video can drive revenue and strengthen hold on your social media users. It can be watched anytime, anywhere. The average adult consumes more than five hours of video per day and more than one hour is on digital devices. This timeline sho…

Live streaming is a whole new beast for social media marketers to tackle. Entertaining the consumer and capturing their interest is not the only benefit from investing in live videos. Viewers’ data collected from live videos inform future marketing campaigns and lead outreach strategies. 

Going “live” is insanely cheap and expectations of consumers, at this point, are low. Just about any brand can leverage broadcasting live videos.